Avenged Sevenfold Fans Community's Journal [entries|friends|calendar]
Avenged Sevenfold Fans Community

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August 29th, 2005

[ mood | chipper ]

Hey i have a contest for this group even though no one is really in it right now.

Enter an icon or promo banner or both.
you can enter 2 of each and then we'll vote on which ones ill give you all like 2 weeks because im good like that. no other rules besides it being your own and the icon be able to fit. (100x100 40kb or something) ohh ohh and it has to be a7x related.

thanks you mod.

oh yea and promote this bitch like you life depends on it :D

comment here with the icons and banners the comments will be screened

Rock & 0 Roll

August 29th, 2005

[ mood | cheerful ]

New Layout and promo banners comming soon. :D
im working on the layout as we speak :d

Rock & 0 Roll

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