August 29th, 2009

[info]kozu in [info]avatarnation

Pushing the limits

Who: Kozu and Sato
Where: The Sword and Fan
When: Saturday afternoon
What: Training
It was rare that the decrowned Fire Prince ever cracked a smile. )
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[info]ex_basim376 in [info]avatarnation

Those girls from Ba Sing Se

Who: Basim, OTA
When: Saturday morning
Where: The Jasmine Dragon
What: Bass is serving tea
They kiss so sweet that you've really got to meet... )
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[info]smallestember in [info]avatarnation

Dance of flames

Who: Zuma and Kaja
Where: Fire Academy
When: Late afternoon, Saturday
What: Secret firedancing

Her whole body spoke of concentration and devotion to the art of firedancing... )
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