A V A L O N I S :: superhero city game's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
A V A L O N I S :: superhero city game

the city of bright lights and darker nights.
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[14 Aug 2010|08:43pm]
Who: Gillian Michaels
Where: Avalonis National Bank
When: Half an hour after this post.
What: Gilly Michaels, reporting for Channel 13 news.

We'll update you as the situation unfolds. )
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[14 Aug 2010|09:08pm]
who → The Boss, Lotta, Gizmo, Wackjob, Whiskey, Steel and Lockjaw. (NPCs)
what → They’re taking hostages and stealing cash and something secret.
when → 14 August, afternoon.
where → Alalonis National Bank.
warnings → PG-13 for language and firearms.
status → OPEN to anyone at the bank, or done if taken as a stand alone narrative.

Their employer had been very specific about this mission, in a way that made him a little nervous.  )
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