New Avalon: Network's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
New Avalon: Network

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[12 Mar 2015|11:32am]
I'm on The Today Show tomorrow morning, doing a segment on the Haze and what it did to jumpstart powers in New York, and how that may or may not have caused the time freeze that NYC and the global economy are still recovering from. It's Today, they're not going to spring any hard questions on me, but I promise that I'm not going to throw CG under the bus.

Just latent mutations, blahblah, how a "jumpstart" works, new power manifestations &c &c

FINALLY reveal that my wings are back after being amputated, &c - maybe? (wardrobe)

Do not answer any questions re: engagement/victor/brothers, &c

[12 Mar 2015|03:48pm]
This will be an interesting weekend.

[Filtered to all New Avalon Students]

As you know, I recently decided to resign as the R.A for the boys dorms. I will be moving out officially by Saturday, but I want you all to know that I will still be available if you ever need me. I also picked up the U.S History classes, so expect to see me just as much.

Happy Thursday, kids, and I'll be around until tomorrow after school.

[ viewing | March 12th, 2015 ]
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