The Insane Post-Series Avatar Fanfest

July 20th, 2008

The Insane Post-Series Avatar: the Last Airbender


July 20th, 2008

Prompting is open!

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So, with the finale over (except for you all on the west coast and everyone watching via iTunes), let the prompts begin!

Remember, you can leave prompts from now until the end of the month, when claiming starts.

Just post something like this:

Character(s) or Pairing:
Prompt: Put a song lyric, a plot suggestion, a word, whatever.

You don't have to be a member to post a prompt, or be willing to write or draw anything, or have an Insanejournal (use OpenID or anonymous commenting). Post as many as you like.

Note, there probably will be spoilers in the comments.
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