October 2015




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Banners - Karen Gillan in Doctor Who, "Vincent and the Doctor" (19 banners)

Here are 19 banners, straight and rounded borders, three sizes, go. Technically, one isn't Amy and one isn't available in three sizes, but you know. It's my journal, and I'll lie if I want to.


Karen Gillan in Doctor Who, 'Vincent and the Doctor' - 19 Banners in three sizes )


Icons - Karen Gillan in Doctor Who, "Vincent and the Doctor" (261 icons)

Anything specific you'd like iconned more or have banners made of, let me know. For this episode, I'd do it.


Karen Gillan in Doctor Who, 'Vincent and the Doctor' - 261 icons )


Banners - Karen Gillan from Promos, Photoshoots & Premiers (14 banners)

14 Karen Gillan banners, all available in three sizes, all available with and without rounded edges. You kids go crazy.

I'll have icons and banners from the most recent episode, Vincent and the Doctor, for Matt, Karen, Bill Nighy (who played the museum curator) and Tony Curran (who played Vincent Van Gogh) sometime within the next several days. I haven't decided whether or not I'll icon the DW confidential episode, but you know. I'll figure it out eventually.


Karen Gillan from promos, photoshoots and premiers - 14 banners )


Icons - Karen Gillan from Promos, Photoshoots & Premiers (145 icons)


Karen Gillan in promos, photoshoots and premiers - 145 icons )


Icons - Karen Gillan in Doctor Who (and DW Confidential) 5x05 and 5x06 - Part 5 (159 icons)


Karen Gillan in Doctor Who (and DW Confidential) 5x05 and 5x06 - Part 5 - 159 icons )


Icons - Karen Gillan in Doctor Who (and DW Confidential) 5x05 and 5x06 - Part 4 (200 icons)


Karen Gillan in Doctor Who (and DW Confidential) 5x05 and 5x06 - Part 4 - 200 icons )


Icons - Karen Gillan in Doctor Who (and DW Confidential) 5x05 and 5x06 - Part 3 (200 icons)


Karen Gillan in Doctor Who (and DW Confidential) 5x05 and 5x06 - Part 3 - 200 icons )


Icons - Karen Gillan in Doctor Who (and DW Confidential) 5x05 and 5x06 - Part 2 (200 icons)


Karen Gillan in Doctor Who (and DW Confidential) 5x05-5x06 - Part 2 - 200 icons )


Icons - Karen Gillan in Doctor Who (and DW Confidential) 5x05 and 5x06 - Part 1 (200 icons)


Karen Gillan in Doctor Who Confidential 5x05 and 5x06 - Part 1 - 200 icons )


Icons - Karen Gillan in Doctor Who, "The Beast Below" (184 icons)

I have had these on my computer for several weeks, and i just forgot all about them. I figured I might as well post them, since, you know, they were already in existence. BUT the icons from the most recent several episodes will be up soon. Of course, [info]embargo has already made so many fantastic Karen Gillan icons from 5x04 and 5x05 that I might skip them and go straight to 5x06 and 5x07. We'll see.


Karen Gillan in Doctor Who, 'The Beast Below' - 184 icons )


Banners - Jennifer Morrison in "House" (7 banners)


Jennifer Morrison in 'House' - 7 banners )


Icons - Jennifer Morrison in "House" - Part 3 (156 icons)


Jennifer Morrison in 'House' - Part 3 - 156 icons )

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