Sunday, January 11th, 2009

About the AU Keptverse

Assume the What We Keep FAQ. Only in this AU, the TV series and the films are real.

As [info]poisontaster says:
...we don't want to get overly detailed to a point where the canonical 'rules' of the system become oppressive to free storytelling. We want there to be enough room for people to have fun in this universe. And sometimes that means not parsing things out too finely. Next, a word on the nuts and bolts. This is an open universe. That means anyone is able to write in it, talk about it, create for it, without having to get prior permission. Stories do not have to be canon compliant; it's up to you, as creator, how close you want to stick to the 'rules' of the universe. On the other hand, that obviously means that not everything will be considered universe-canonical. It's up to you how much you want to incorporate other people's ideas and creations.

In my universe, I have characters from Buffy, the X-Files, Highlander, and The Professionals, as well as The Fugitive, so in my universe the events of these series/films are part of the canonical background. Other writers are not bound by this.

Further, I think it's clear (though not specified in the FAQ) that in the Keptverse, the range of normal human sexual orientation is accepted as normal. I presume from that, that same-sex marriage is legal and accepted.

The basics are, though:

The USNA is made up of Canada, the USA, and Mexico. It is formally ruled in much the same way as the US is today: any citizen can vote (slaves and minors and immigrants not being citizens, obviously) and there is the judiciary, Congress, and the President. There is also Commerce, and there is an effective system of aristocracy, the Lords and Ladies.

Slave ownership is mandatory above a threshold income: number of slaves a person must own is based on their level of income and limited only by the size of their home. Not owning a slave, if you are above that threshold income level, is penalized by a fine: Commerce has access to the IRS records. A person may escape being required to buy a slave/be fined if they can show they have no space in their home in which to house one, and cannot afford to move to a larger home, but they can assume that Commerce will continue to run regular investigations for so long as the IRS shows their income above the mandatory level.

About slavery )

Final contracts and other legal rights )

Commerce and the USNA government/economy )

The rest of the world )
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The stories so far

If you're new here, you should go read The Rules in the first About the community post.

The stories in the AU Keptverse.

Jane Carnall's Keptverse

The Games

Set in Chicago. Former respected vascular surgeon Doctor Richard Kimble, now a convict slave, is bought from the arena, to which he was sentenced for the murder of his wife, by Deputy US Marshal Samuel Gerard. Gerard's team of deputy marshalls is depicted here (The cast list).

The Network (sets up some background)

Section One: The Games, Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five, and Part Six.

Section Two: The Players, part one, (alternate part one) part two, part three, part four, part five, part six, part seven.

Section Three: The Gambler, first part, second part, third part, fourth part, fifth part, sixth part, seventh part.

Section Four: The Pieces, Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6 and Part 7.

Section Five: End-Game Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, and Part 5.

Section Six: In The Mouth of the Wolf part one, part two, part three, part four, part five, part six, and part seven.

The Misbegotten, by Piratelf

(...hoping it's OK with her to link...)

Gilmore Girls and Supernatural crossover inspired by "A Kept Boy". "John sees a slave in the Remands files on the Commerce site who looks just like Sammy. Who is he? How did he get there? And is John responsible?" Author's Notes: Well, the FAQ says that "When a slave is of low-enough value to be purchased outright--particularly if the slave has already been remanded to Commerce" and I took that and kind of ran with it. I needed a slave price low enough that a hunter could afford it.

On livejournal:
Chapter One, Chapter Two, Chapter Three, Chapter Four, Chapter Five .... (WiP).


I also seem to remember one chapter at least of a story with Captain Jack Harkness enslaved and being used for medical experimentation, but damned if I can find it.

Any other FPS stories: please link to in comments. Use the format above, please - ie, if they're not on IJ, note where your link goes to, give author's name and summary and, if possible, link to all the chapters available or at least to a sensible means of finding all the chapters. Indicate if a WiP.
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About the community

Hello. My name is Jane Carnall, and I'm your moderator.

If you have no idea what I'm talking about in the next paragraph, skip right over it to the fourth paragraph.

This community is for meta and stories in the FPS AU to [info]poisontaster's Keptverse. The main community for this is on Livejournal (*hack! spit!*) but [info]poisontaster backed everything up onto IJ not long ago during what was then the most recent LJ scare, so all the links from here to [info]whatwekeep will be to the IJ mirror - though a lot of the links from there will just go straight back to LJ.)

Back in July 2008, [info]poisontaster started writing a WiP story set in a universe where the United States of North America (USNA - this world's US, Canada, and Mexico) is entirely inhabited by actors from prime time TV series and blockbuster films, and where debt slavery is real. This is A Kept Boy (link goes to Chapter 1).

By October 2008 it was clear that lots of other people wanted to play, and [info]poisontaster started a community, [info]whatwekeep, and posted FAQ and the stories so far.

I'd been reading "A Kept Boy" since [info]darkrose rec'd me to it when she started writing her fabulous Keptverse series.

I posted the first section of my Keptverse story, The Games. But because RPS makes me neurotic, I'd started to write a story set in an AU to the Keptverse where the USNA is instead entirely inhabited by the characters from TV series and films.

This provides some odd, interesting factors that would be fun to play with - for example, though no one openly discusses it, California is rife with vampires and demons, indeed all the demons from Supernatural are real... an asteroid fell in Smallville with a lot of odd effects, presumably Spiderman is up and swinging in Metropolis....

Other than debt slavery, the main social difference between the Keptverse universe and our own is that everyone takes the normal human range of sexual orientation for granted: any couple can marry, and no one thinks anything of it.

This community has been set up to let people who want to read and discuss and post meta about this AU to the Keptverse. I'm going to write up what I know about the AU Keptverse for another post, and also post links to all the FPS I'm aware of (mostly, mine) in a story so far post.

So, the main rules are:

The Rules )
mood: chipper
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