AU, Got Any Ideas?

August 24th, 2007

AU, Got Any Ideas?


August 24th, 2007

Welcome, New Members!

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When you join, feel free to post a brief introductory post to let us know the characters/fandoms you write. If they aren't in the interests already, I'll probably add them so we can attract more people in your fandoms!

Myself, I'm mostly into BTVS/ATS and Bones these days. I have, in the past, written some Han/Leia fic for the Star Wars 'verse. I have yet to write AU, but I really would like to, and I have come up with my first fully fleshed-out idea, so...when I get the time to tackle the project, I'm gonna go for it.

Again, welcome to you all! I look forward to getting to know you as fellow writers!

Hello all!

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Hehe, I just love the newbie post. My name is Meredith or [info]cravinglunacy if you prefere. I have written in seveal fandoms, mostly King Arthur. I have an AU where I've stuck poor ol' Tristan in the Dark-Hunter universe. Poor thing was mad at me, but then he was redeemed so he's not so unhappy anymore. I also write in the SG1, Pitch Black/Riddick, LotR. It's fun when you can put Riddick in the SGC.

If anyone is interested in any of these, let me know and I'll start posting. I plan on starting to post PAX (KA/DH) here in a bit.

Hope you all have a wonderful day and happy writing!

P.S. Pardon the lack of tags. I haven't yet worked out the whats and wherefores yet here.


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I probably should have mentioned, too, that I work nights, so...please be patient with me if I don't approve your posts or membership requests right away. I will check on things at least once a day. I hope at some point to get a moderator to help me with things. I have a friend or two who will probably be more than happy to help me.... I just need to point them in this direction! LOL!
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