February 14th, 2012

[info]gates_mods in [info]atthegates_ooc


It is now the early hours of Day Two: chaos is running riot, London is in a mess and for Librarians, orders are spewing out from Rome like tickets at a good restaurant on a Saturday night. At the Library, confusion is going wild and crazy: the precogs have all simultaneously stopped producing any kind of output (apparently in nightmares of their own) and half the Librarians themselves are experiencing reactions to the magic pouring out from ground zero.

  • Librarians being dispatched to deal with the gold in Hyde Park

  • Librarians are being sent to investigate the source of the issue.

  • Any and all Monitors are being sent to their particular patrols to deal with the fall-out (mind wiping, clear up, etc), any special targets for Monitoring are being checked up on.

  • Reinforcements from Rome will arrive about midday, including a large number of Praetorians to deal with the massive numbers of demons and beasts that are causing havoc.

  • Triage centre within the Library in the mess hall: partners are required to keep telepathic tabs on one another at all times to ensure no one is lost in the shuffle.