01:55am 21/01/2009

I'm 50 today..i was alive when kennedy was shot..when watts burned the first time..in 1968 when the whole world was rioting..from Paris to Chicago..i remember the Beatles splitting up..the moon landing..watergate the bicentenial
...ronald reagans election..the invasion of grenada..i REMEMBER everyone i knew believing communism would last forever and then watching the berlin wall come down and the Soviet union disintegrate..i remember watching nelson mandela
being relased from prison..and then elected president of the nation that imprisoned him for 27 years... i remember watching Martin Luther King give his i have a dream speech in 1963..pretty sure heck i was four..and yesterday
i watched a black man take the oath of office for the PRESIDENCY OF THE UNITED STATES..my god..my god and thinking seriously thinking..is this a dream?its been an interesting half century..i never thought i'd make it to 30.and here i am in 2009..isnt time travel wonderful?
