October 2nd, 2013



[No Subject]

Activity within Atom has increased exponentially since September 14. There have been rumours of raids on the homes of humans throughout the country, with whispers that they are being taken to a prison run by members of Atom and experimented on. As of October 1, 5 AM there was an explosion on the East wind of the White House, with many RTF being moved from New York to D.C. and at 2 AM on October 2 there was another, apparent, bombing in the RTF facility.

Shaw released a press statement, placing the blame squarely on the shoulders of the X-Men, placing significantly higher monetary and other reward on the heads of Charles Xavier and Erik Lehnsherr and implored any X-Men members to come forward; offering them safety, comfort and a better life then that of a terrorist with no repercussions to be held against them because of their association. There has been grumbling within Xavier mansion despite Charles insisting they did not have a hand in the attacks, the opinion seeming to be split even within the X-men that they shouldn't have done it or that while they didn't, they should have.

The remaining RTF members are scouring New York currently in alternating teams, looking for the X-men and rounding up any mutants or humans whom they come across, while fights between the smaller groups of aligned mutants and/or humans have begun to break out at alarming rates.

The screens set up throughout the country continue to play images of the bombing and show pictures of suspected X-men members, Shaw's message of peace dubbed over it.



[No Subject]

Who: Charles Xavier & Erik Lehnsherr
What: Spending time together, dicussing Shaw and chess
Where: Xavier mansion, Charles's bedroom
When: October 3rd, 1964
Warning: Low
Status: Incomplete, closed

the door was always open for him )