Stargate Atlantis Music Videos

paraka posting in Stargate Atlantis Music Videos
User: [info]paraka
Date: 2008-05-05 20:43
Subject: New SGA Vid - Pegasus 101
Security: Public

Title: Pegasus 101
Vidder: [info]paraka
Fandom: Stargate: Atlantis
Song:The All Spark by Steve Jablonsky
Rating: Gen/Team
Summary: My first Gen/Team vid, I've been wanting to make one for years and now finally have.
I wanted to tell the story of the team learning about and adjusting to life in Pegasus. The vid is in three parts that follow the music. First is them finding Pegasus and becoming a team. Second is about the team going out there and meeting the Pegasus natives of the human variety, and the last section deals with the Wraith. I was trying something new with the ending, please feel free to let me know what you think of it.

Thank you to [info]paradise_city. Without all her amazing cheerleading, I'd probably still have this sitting unfinished. And [info]maekala, [info]keewick and [info]kimberlyfdr who all took the time to send me a beta. The POV would have been all messed up without you guys.

Link: At my webpage or Right click and save as

On Youtube:

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amalthia posting in Stargate Atlantis Music Videos
User: [info]amalthia
Date: 2007-08-14 12:46
Subject: This is a mirror to the Stargate Atlantis Music Video community on LJ
Security: Public

I still need to create tags for this community.

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my journal
May 2008