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Aternaville OOC Community

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[Mar. 14th, 2009|02:43 pm]
*wave!* Hey guys. I'm Lia and I happened to stumble on your loverly game yesterday (apparently my timing just just that fabulous). In any case, I'm bringing the wonderful, effervescent, humble... Captain Jack Harkness to the game.

While Jack is coming Post-Exit Wounds (pre-Medusa Crusade stuff), he stayed around in Cardiff, thinking he had to play hero to the world for another 8 or so months. He still has his hero-complex (he wouldn't be Jack without it!) but after 100 years with Torchwood 3, Jack is ready for a change. Time to be a hero elsewhere.

As for me, I can be found on AIM at lookimadeahat (yes, I love sondheim). The AIM-list is friendslocked, but leave me screen names and I shall add! I'm looking forward to meeting and playing with all of you! ♥
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