June 29th, 2014



Day 32 } let there be videochats

[As Mycroft had explained in his broadcast several days ago, the newly created "Astoria Network" (name pending, til someone thought of something cooler) was all set up and, baring a few technical mishaps, ready to go. Tony had interrogated Mycroft very thoroughly about how and what he'd used to create the communicators so she could help make (and improve) more of them. And since she'd been hogging the one in the Bells most of this time, she figured it was the least she could do to keep everyone updated on what they'd worked out.]

Hello, Astoria. At least, I'm pretty sure this place is called Astoria. Fun, isn't it, being trapped somewhere you don't even know the name of? [She's grinning, but it's pretty obvious from her expression it's Not Fun At All, especially considering she's still healing from a freaking ghost attack.]

Anyway, in case you missed the memo: old-timey cell phones! Voice and video, actually, Skype to your heart's content, except don't, because Skype sucks and we've only got six of these things anyway. It's like using your parents' dial-up when they're waiting for a phone call.

[Where was she even going with this. Oh, right. Phones.] Like I said, there's only six so far, but you're in luck because we're working on more. So you better stay on my good side if you want one sooner than later. [She laughs, but she's totally not kidding. She will shamelessly play favorites.] And if you think you can help, talk to me or Mycroft, okay?