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Tuesday, April 1st, 2008

    Time Event
    Autism Awareness: "Wait -- you're saying that YOUR prejudice is a 'symptom' of MY autism?"
    [crossposted to my journal here, and my WordPress blog]

    So, the dreaded "Autism Awareness Month" has arrived, and thus, the seasonal deluge of parental angst and professional avarice shall soon be upon us.

    For my own part, I will indeed be attempting to participate in the "Blogging for Autism Awareness" project. Here, have a button:

    As words are often in short supply for me (well, coherent ones, at least), I expect I'll mostly just be linking back to various classics in autistic self-advocacy and disability rights genres. But for this stab, I'm going to indulge in a bit of self-quotation, plus links.

    yadda-yadda-yadadda, da-blah-blah-blah )

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