A community for people with asperger syndrome's Journal
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Monday, December 24th, 2007

    Time Event

    I'm Tara. I've never been officially diagnosed with Asperger but when I read all the documentation on symptoms I usually can pick out about 90% of the traits that I can apply to myself.

    I like to call myself a "Parallel Player" as I don't like to be involved with people but I like to be active where there are large gatherings of people. I can't go to Starbucks with a friend but I can sit there alone for hours. Same with work. We have a cubicle like setting and I always pick the one with the least amount of people around. Usually in the corner where I can still hear everything. Email and IM are my best friends as it keeps me in the loop but no need to actively pursue physical contact with anyone other than my partner or close family members.

    I have been this way my entire life. I actually spent my elementary school years throwing a tennis ball up against the wall cause I didn't like to play with the other kids. 


    Current Mood: relaxed

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