March 5th, 2021



[No Subject]

Rather belated intro, especially as I am the mod, but here are my first three!

Talya, in this journal, is the other half of a pair of twins, her sister is [info]astoried and they are in a committed poly relationship right now. Talya is more into women overall, and would mostly be interested in women outside of Josh (male partner) but ask if you are interested in backstory or current story with males within the family.

Cassandra at [info]satinandsilk is the matriarch of the family since their father's passing. She and Aurelia [info]organizing run the two Bennett Hotels in Aspen, and she is also the current keeper of the family secret, being the one who makes sure it remains a secret outside of the family, helping with bringing non family partners into the secret, and whatever else is needed.
Lines I'm specifically looking for for her include her husband, who I am up for having be much older than she is, and they would have an open relationship and other partners of more or less seriousness as things develop, a son she had at a very young age (not necessarily sexual but very much open to it) whether or not his biological father is her current husband, other children both biological and adopted, a daughter granddaughter who she has in mind to be the future keeper of the family secret and a partner (preferably female but open to discussion with a male) of one of her siblings from outside the family she has always had a close bond with - similarly to Aurelia the sexual aspect may wax and wane over the years.

Caleb at [info]athousanddreams is the second eldest of the adopted children, and in a long term committed relationship with Aurelia [info]organizing, his adopted sister. The exact nature of their relationship and commitment is generally only known to the family, and they don't hide their couple nature in public, but they don't really advertize it either. There have been rumors of everything from a secret marriage (not a legal one, at least) to him donating genetic material for their children and everything in between. But as far as Caleb is concerned, his family is his priority and those who matter know how it happened, the rest is really no one's business.
I'm open to most things with him.