January 1st, 2009

[info]bonesofme in [info]ask_rose

Dear Rose,

I have a problem. In spite of my many insistences otherwise, a lot of people that I know seem to think that I am a slut. Sure, I joke about sex a lot, but I wouldn't actually do it with any of these people! I have only had sex with one bloke.

Speaking of said one bloke, things are rather complicated between us at the moment. We dated for a while last year and broke up -- it was mostly my fault, seeing as my aunt who was practically like my mother was brutally murdered by the Dark Lord last summer and dealing with the grief as well as having his dick inside me was too much all at once. But now I find myself randomly "hooking up" with him at my whims. We still get along well, but I'm thinking perhaps that this isn't a good idea. He doesn't seem to mind and we did go out and it's rather nice, but my brother tells me that I'm using sex as an escape method.

Thank you for your advice.
Not At All Slutty

[info]hornsb in [info]ask_rose

Dear Rose,

I consider myself a cute, intelligent and fun-loving girl. I have known ‘G’ for many years and I consider him one of my closest friends. I am a normally outgoing girl but the idea of telling him that I fancy him makes me break out in hives and freeze up like Peeves just dropped cold water on me or something. I feel like maybe it would be better for both of us if I just told him how I feel about him. I know it certainly wouldn’t hurt my ability to concentrate in class which is fleeting at best these days!

Every time I start to open my mouth to tell him how I feel it comes out as a joke about us being together in the future and while he plays along it really isn’t all that funny. I really don’t want to write him a letter about it either because that seems sort of fourth year. I’m sort of running a deadline here. Mucking around much longer isn’t going to cut it. There is a war going on and one or both of us could get killed tomorrow and I really don’t want to die a virgin. I wish I knew how to make him take me seriously as a love interest instead of just the girl who is a friend. I mean, I’m happy I’m his friend but I would be more than down with getting some benefits out of it.

An additional problem is that his best friend ‘G2’ is always around. I think fondly of ‘G2’ but it makes the potential for any sort of move happening non-existent. I don’t see ‘G’ doing anything in front of his best friend and I probably wouldn’t do anything either. My question is how I can I get ‘G2’ to bugger off so I can have some uninterrupted alone time with ‘G’? Also, how do I go about encouraging ‘G’ to make a move on me short of a love potion? Would it make me a tacky whore if I made the first move?



Hopeless At Hogwarts

July 2011



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