July 14th, 2014


[No Subject]

Hey everybody! I just wanted to let you know that I am alive. I'm so sorry for being M.I.A. since reopen. Readjusting after coming back from being abroad was a bit harder than I anticipated, especially since my life has changed so much all at once. So that plus the fact I've been having some car issues and such hasn't put me in too much of a mood to write. But I do love you all and the game, and I do want to come back. This week is a little busy for me so instead of trying to thread, maybe just let me know what has changed for your characters and how it may affect their relationships with mine (Matt, Dani, and Sonny)? Next week will be better for me to start threading again, and I will do just that! So send me thread plots as well? I know I'm behind on a thread or two so could someone in those threads give me like a summary of what happened? I feel like I'm asking so much from everyone. I'm so sorry about that.

Sorry that I haven't been on AIM lately. If you want to pick my brain about something, the best way to get a hold of me other than commenting is sending me an email, which again is behgbadaboom@gmail.com. I will respond as soon as I can, often times isn't more than a couple hours. At least now I'm back on PST so no crazy long wait times from me, right? I miss you guys! I'm excited about coming back and can't wait to get threading again!