April 16th, 2014



[No Subject]

More characters!

Dee with Colin Matthews
Crystal with Cleopatra Matthews
Loki with Denny Foster

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[No Subject]

Greetings, folks! It is I, Loki, with my last character for now.

This is Denny Foster, a 22 year old who's been struggling with what it means to be a 'good person' for most of his life. Recently, he's made a lot of progress, which started off by kidnapping his little brother. Yeah, that doesn't sound like the 'good guy' thing to do, but he had his reasons. Just before the outbreak in Ashleigh, he and his brother fled to the town from Chattanooga, where he's been living mostly on his own since he was 16. There, he did construction, tiling, and played his music in a dive bar on weekends.

Despite growing up as a "bad egg" he feels like he's grown out of a lot of those tenancies, and makes an effort not to fall back into being a douche just because it's comfortable for him. The one thing he hasn't gotten out of yet are his drug dependencies, and the constant fear that he may be losing his mind.

I don't have any specific lines that need filled for him, but I'm down for any ideas, if you have any ^^