The Place For Arthurian Mythos and Creativity

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7/17/08 01:39 pm - [info]mhari - Arthurian Barbie!

*cackle* *snort*

I don't know which is funnier, Merlin!Ken or Morgan!Barbie.

2/26/08 01:19 am - [info]mhari - oops, I did it again.

Amor Vincit
Mordred/Lancelot, PG-13ish, drabble.

And yes, that is an awful title. That's what I get for finishing things at one in the morning.

2/22/08 07:58 pm - [info]mhari - art site

Liz Schultz: King Arthur

I came across it when I was doing an image search. Looks like fanart for Nancy McKenzie's Queen of Camelot, actually.


1/26/08 01:33 am - [info]mharific - Tada!

Just posted fic:

Their Mouths Were Fire (Galahad/Mordred, R, 200 words)

(I'd say most of my fic is not this wrong, but I think I'd be lying. Let's just say not all of it is.)

1/2/08 06:43 am - [info]rosekauai

Hello all. I'm Kelly, and I was introduced to the Arthurian legend eight-million years ago, when the world was still dark. In fact, I knew about it before Arthur did. ha! Seriously, it's been forever though, I honestly can't remember when I was exactly told about it.

My favourite run has to be Mists of Avalon, though the movie made me wince a bit. I like the idea of the women being stronger than perhaps they should have been in that time, but with everything going on, it's expected. I've played Guenevere in multiple panfandom games, and while she's hardly my favourite character, I like exploring her fear of the unknown and all that.

Anyway...that's about it! Cheers!

11/19/07 06:32 am - [info]mhari

Hello, people. :)

I almost forgot to plug: I've just officially opened an Arthurian Archive. The LJ community, arthurian_fic, has been up and running for a while now, but it could be more lively. If you write, please consider joining to post your stories, new or not so new!

8/22/07 09:48 pm - [info]mythical_nature

Hi all. I'm sort of new to the whole Arthurian mythos, and I was wondering if there's any sort of consensus on a "definitive" source or version of the myth. Also, I was curious if anyone could point me in the way of any good scholarly work on Arthurian legend, from whatever perspective it may be. Thanks!

8/13/07 11:58 pm - [info]kajivar - "The Last Legion"

So you may have seen the trailers for "The Last Legion," which is apparently "the untold beginning of the King Arthur legend." IMDB describes it as "As the Roman empire crumbles, young Romulus Augustus [Thomas Sangster] flees the city and embarks on a perilous voyage to Britain to track down a legion of supporters." Said supporters apparently include Colin Firth as Aurelius, Ben Kingsley as Ambrosinus (hmm, Merlin?), and Aishwarya Rai as Mira (obligatory kick ass chick).

Do we lay odds on Romulus Augustus changing his name to Uther Pendragon by the end of the movie? Or potentially Arthur himself, if they skip his traditional origins.

To be honest, this looks pretty cheesy to me, another attempt to give us the REAL! TRUE! story of King Arthur. I enjoyed "King Arthur," but I didn't take its own claim to be the REAL! TRUE! story seriously, either. But I'll definitely go see "The Last Legion."

I own "First Knight," after all. And it can't be worse than that. ;)

7/28/07 03:32 pm - [info]magik - Look, It's A Welcome Post

I have been a student of the Arthurian Mythology in almost all of it's forms since I first found out they existed. Le Morte D'Arthur and the romances by Chretien De Troyes were always among my favourite books that travelled anywhere that I did. I have seen almost every movie that has been made about Arthur and Camelot... and I am a very firm shipper of the OT3 of Arthur/Guinevere/Lancelot. I have also roleplayed different versions of Guinevere in several places.

I have never been a big fan -- or believer -- in the whole thing where Guinevere was branded an adulteress and Lancelot a traitor due to the love that they felt for each other. I have always seen -- and written -- the triangle as one of a deep, abiding love.

That doesn't mean that I don't read and study the other adaptations or opinions of it -- I do. I just know what I prefer and believe.

This asylum is a place for all versions and variations of the Arthurian Mythology. Feel free to post fic, graphics or discussions on why you like the explanation of the myths that you do.

There will be no bashing of each other for differing opinions as the two maintainers will not put up with it.

Come in, get settled and enjoy yourselves.
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