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lifestyle: 𝘪𝘯𝘵𝘳𝘰𝘴

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customs available for sale [21 Sep 2023|07:53pm]
my name is jo and i’m on a taco high. i may have an addiction, you may need to send help (no, don’t, i can handle this). tell me about (or drop a link to) your latest obsession, from food to music to media to whatever else you’ve been a broken record for! let’s talk about it and maybe you’ll give me something new to crave more of.

[21 Sep 2023|09:22pm]
hey y’all. i’m liz. i’m currently online buying hozier tickets for tomorrow night. tell me who you are and give me one recommendation of anything—a song, a show, a restaurant, a hobby, anything!—that will help me understand where you are in life right now.

[ viewing | September 21st, 2023 ]
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