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lifestyle: 𝘪𝘯𝘵𝘳𝘰𝘴

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customs & your best quote of 2023? [05 Feb 2023|12:18am]
Hello, one and all. My name's Milo, you can call me that or Fin. It is late right now and I'm trying to figure out if I want to bake cookies or fold my laundry. I think cookies sound a lot better. Does anyone have late night rituals or routines that you like to do? Yes, this all doesn't sound normal. I suffer from insomnia and tend to be up pretty late.

customs! [05 Feb 2023|07:23pm]
i am charlie.

if you became a ghost tomorrow, who would be the first person you'd haunt and why?

[ viewing | February 5th, 2023 ]
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