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lifestyle: π˜ͺ𝘯𝘡𝘳𝘰𝘴

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[23 Oct 2022|09:39am]
Hi, I’m Isabella.. and as a way to break the ice, let’s play two truths and a lie. I’ll start and let’s see if we can keep this going..

1. I’ve lived in more than three places in my life.
2. I can’t sing.
3. I speak fluent Russian.

[23 Oct 2022|03:09pm]
hi i'm imani, hope you're having a lovely weekend!i've been watching horror movies since i got home from work on friday because i'm nothing if not wholly observant of spooky season's most time honored traditions. my parents didn't allow me or my siblings to watch scary films as a kid... so naturally i watched in secret and became an avid lover of all things horror. so this leads me to a very important game of would you rather; feel free to answer one, all, or none!
+ would you rather be chased by a hoard of running zombies or a walking michael myers?
+ would you rather fight to survive the night in the purge, or the strangers?
+ would you rather have pins growing out of your face and head, or have scissors where your fingers should be?

[ viewing | October 23rd, 2022 ]
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