A Rift in Time: AU Second War RP's Journal
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Below are the 16 most recent journal entries recorded in A Rift in Time: AU Second War RP's InsaneJournal:

    Wednesday, June 9th, 2010
    11:09 pm
    Harry hadn't been around a good deal of the time due to helping the ministry gather up the dwendeling number of Death Eaters on the loose. It was a hard job but so far no one had been hurt other than those resisting arrest. Harry was tired of war and fighting though. He knew there would be a time he couldn't sit idly by when he knew he could help the world but for the moment he wanted to be a normal guy.

    As a normal guy he wanted to go on normal dates with his girlfriend. Then Harry had to remember the one that had claimed his heart was as unique as he could probably find. Luna always brought a smile to Harry's face and she brought color to his so very dark world. He had brought Luna out on a picnic to where he had figured it out so very long ago. Out by the lake in Hogsmeade not far from the trainstation and the tree that lead to the Founders' Quarters. Everything was set up and as the sun was setting the multicolored fairies began to dance all over head lighting the small clearing where they had set up.
    Tuesday, July 28th, 2009
    9:50 pm
    They had, somehow, both survived. The idea that it was even a possibility had never really even crossed his mind - he knew it hadn't been a remote chance in Severus's. But here they were, through the worst of it, hopefully, and all the scrapes and bruises were healed and Hogwarts was being rebuilt.

    Remus quietly opened the door to Severus's quarters and made his way inside.
    Monday, March 16th, 2009
    8:48 pm
    Pansy had thought it would be difficult to get used to being in the dungeons with so few of the people she had grown used to over the years. It truly wasn't in retrospect and all she truly needed was the one person she ever felt was her friend, her true friend. Draco filled a hole in her heart like no other could...she had just yet to tell him such a thing.

    Pansy didn't speak on her feelings because of how she was raised. You didn't live by emotion because emotion made you weak. Though this was the philosophy of a man that had a drinking problem and liked to use Pansy as a punching bag. Pansy had decided the day Salazar gave them the choice she would live her life the way she felt she should...and to hell with anyone else.
    Sunday, March 15th, 2009
    10:39 pm
    Sunday, February 1st, 2009
    11:40 pm
    Unsurprisingly, Luna had accepted the idea of Horcruxes quite easily. Of course, the unfortunate and unavoidable truth was that they were at an impasse - they had no clue of where to find Ravenclaw's Diadem, for they were certain that this was the only undiscovered Horcrux aside from Voldemort's snake, and no way to destroy Hufflepuff's cup.

    Which lead to Luna and Harry sitting on her bed in Ravenclaw tower and discussing the Diadem for the hundredth time. Of course their best help would have been Rowena herself, only the year the Founders had been ripped from was before the Diadem was lost and as a result the Professor had had no more of an idea on where to look than they did. It was incredibly frustrating. And while Hermione, and thus Ronald, might have been skeptical of Harry's idea that it was in the Castle Luna believed him. But that knowledge did little to help, really. It narrowed the field of search, but only to a castle with endless secrets.

    "She is wearing it. On the statue in the Common Room," Luna stated, brows furrowed despite her usual vague look, "But of course that will only let us see what it looks like. Or what that sculptor thought it looked like - my father is recreating it and his version seems far more plausible to me..."
    Sunday, January 11th, 2009
    5:53 pm
    who: Langston and Callum
    when: after this
    where: Langston's quarters.

    Langston wasn't entirely sure how they'd ended up here. He'd spent a week despising Callum on principle, about fifteen minutes figuring he was alright, one journal conversation getting to know him, and approximately three paragraphs deciding they were going to sleep together.

    More importantly, he wasn't entirely sure when his life had ended up so bloody crazy, when he'd been unable to turn around without everything changing.

    He stood in front of his closet, barefoot and dressed in Muggle clothes himself, and debated what would best suite Callum.
    Thursday, January 8th, 2009
    9:32 am
    Who: Callum and Langston
    When: A week after Langston starts
    Where: Muggle Studies Classroom

    Callum knew something was wrong. He wasn't a bad student. He wasn't a bad guy. Something though had poor Callum on the bad side of the Muggle Studies professor. Cal remembered the man from when he was but a lowly first and second year. Langston had always been larger than life in the way he presented himself. He had been one of his favorite players on the Falcons. Even though he prefered the Kestrals. You could take the boy out of Ireland but couldn't take Ireland out of the boy after all.

    Muggle Studies was something he felt the need to study constantly. It wasn't completely foriegn but it was close enough he imagined, rather like how a Muggleborn would feel coming to the Wizarding World for the first time he imagined. So it was that Callum sat in the back of the Muggle Studies room several books opened up around him as he took notes with a pencil on some plane notebook paper. He figured if he was going to be learning about muggles he would study like one.
    Monday, December 29th, 2008
    1:08 am
    who: Godric and Helga
    what: proving courage
    when: after this

    The rational part of Godric knew that he was being played. That Salazar was simply goading him into action. But the rational part could seem awfully small compared to the pride that was smarting at the other man's comments.

    He made his way to Helga's chamber, knocking loudly on the door and waiting impatiently for an answer. Rationality be damned, he would show Salazar that he was up to the challenge.
    Sunday, December 28th, 2008
    8:59 pm
    Who: Padma and Ernie
    What: Patrol
    When: Night after the "Great Kick Out"

    yellow and black striped instument of torture )
    Friday, December 19th, 2008
    1:22 pm
    Who: Founders, Students, Trio, Professors
    What: Reclaiming Hogwarts
    When: Afternoon

    Snow covered the ground around Hogwarts but nothing could brighten Helga's day. She had sat there with the other Founders when the Headmaster had come to talk with them. She could not help but feel for the tall dour man. So much seemed to weigh on him and so many chose not to see it. He was a man of extreme conditions on a path littered with that which would only do him harm. It was little wonder he never seemed to smile.

    Helga had brewed his tea herself a special blend of herbs she had found to have some very unique properties. Helga would be amused to learn her tea was the precursor to the Veritaserum potion. It was lighter on the system than the potion and was not as potent but it made the individual a good deal more willing to talk, not to mention the refreshing herbal flavor. She wouldn't have normally used such an underhanded way of dealing but she wanted to know the truth of what was going on in the school and outside of it.

    Master Snape had told them all they needed to know and of how he was going to relinquish the Dark Lord's hold on the school and pretty much hand it over to them. Helga had to admit she was impressed by the man. This could very well have been their purpose for ending up in this time. To aid this man who seemed so lost to the task he had been given, to help defend the students from those outside who would tear what little bonds they had formed with each other down, to keep them from destroying what they had all spent so much time building.

    All the student where gathered to the Great Hall. The Trio were sent with Luna to gather the students from the Room of Requirement who would eventually join the others in the Great Hall.

    Helga felt angered. It took so much to make the woman shed the smiling face she wore so often. Hurting those weaker than yourself was one of them. So many students were bruised, broken, tormented by the people put in the place of a professor, someone the children should be able to trust. It would have been anger that just drained away had she not came upon the scene she did in front of the Great Hall. Amycus Carrows one of the Death Eaters in her school was badgering one of her own. The child could not have been more than a second year and when Helga saw the brute poke his wand forcefully under the child's chin she pulled her own wand and with a violent flick of her wand the Death Eater went flying through one of the doors of the Great Hall and sliding across the floor. It was certainly one way to make an entrance and most likely one unexpected of Lady Hufflepuff herself.
    Wednesday, December 17th, 2008
    11:12 pm
    Who: Sev and Remus
    When: Late
    Where: Sev's room at Hogwarts
    What: angsty snuggling? XD

    He was tired but sleep would never come. )
    7:34 pm
    6:17 pm
    who: Rowena and Salazar
    when: shortly after this
    where: Salazar's quarters

    Sal? )
    Tuesday, August 5th, 2008
    9:06 pm
    Ron's return )
    Thursday, July 17th, 2008
    8:50 am
    Who: Luna and Harry
    When: After her post
    Where: By the lake in Hogsmeade
    What: meeting between friends
    Status: In Progress
    Rating: TBA

    Harry went about his movements after closing his journal methodically. He want over to the bag and grabbed his cloak. That was the easy part, assuring Hermione he wouldn't get into trouble and he just had to get out for a bit was a different story. She eventually just nodded and sat back down taking the locket from Harry and dropping it down around her neck.

    Harry left the tent pulling the cloak hood over his head and with a bit of apprehension turned on his heel apparating to roughly the area Luna said she was in. The pop of him displacing the air and reforming himself wasn't too loud but in the quiet lake sound it seemed more like a sonic boom.

    When his eyes caught sight of her he stopped for a moment and just watched her. There was just something that drew him to Luna. She had a care free nature to her that he longed to be able to have himself. She didn't care what others thought and never changed who she really was to seek approval. And it hadn't been till the wedding but the more Harry looked at Luna smile the more he felt sure with the thought that he had never seen anything more beautiful. There was a sweet purity to Luna and he had an almost soul deep want to keep her from harm.

    It was thoughts like this that had him thinking about what Ginny had told him. He loved Ginny...and he had lusted after Ginny but he didn't think the love matched up properly with the lust. It felt wrong. He had been so starved for human affection the year before though that Ginny had seemed like a goddess made flesh. Harry had been thinking a lot over the summer and in that god forsaken tent. He cared for Ginny but she wasn’t what he truly wanted, all along she had just been another sister.

    Luna made Harry realize the things he was fighting for. When he was with her or talking to her he truly felt like everything might come out alright. Luna gave him a shining hope in his dank dark little world and it was a gift like nothing he had been given before except for the one his mother gave him with her dying breath.
    Thursday, May 29th, 2008
    11:11 am
    Who: Helga and Salazar, Potentially others
    Where: Founders Commons
    When: The first morning the founders arrive.
    Rating: TBD
    Status: in progress

    Helga had awoke bright and early as was usual for the woman. She had dressed on her own with but a flick of her wand to help her in to her dress and after pulling a brush a few times through her dark hair she headed out of her bedroom and traveled down the hall that would lead to the joint commons that tied all of their living quarters together. She paused though looking around at the age and decay that clung to the room. This was not how it looked when she had gone to bed the night before. Without even hesitating she turned on the heel of her black slipper and headded down the hall topped with the crest of Slytherin. She stumbled on a loose stone that had crumbled from the archway but after she regained her balance journeyed on.

    When she reached Salazar's room she turned the door handle and didn't even hesitate entering. Helga thought nothing of running in to Salazar's bedchamber. "Salazar..." She shut the door quickly and darted over to his bed least there be some sort of decay monster or other reason lurking in the hall. She pulled up the hem of her skirts and kneeled on his bed nudging him. "Salazar...wake up something very wrong is going on."
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