Arian Suggests' Journal
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Tuesday, April 28th, 2009

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    Sick of hearing about going green? Yeah, me too, but I've still climbed on the bandwagon.

    The other day I was reading an article about various going green tips, and this one stuck out in my mind. Probably because the weather in my part of the world is getting nice, which means I'm thinking about cooking outdoors.

    The article mentioned taking your toaster oven &/or crock pot onto a sun porch or something such as that as a way to prevent warming up your house by cooking. The less heat created indoors, the less your A/C needs to run. Makes sense to me.

    I don't have a sun porch, but I do have a garden shed. Anything I can't make on the grill, I'll attempt to make with the toaster oven or crock pot. Besides, who wants to heat up the house while cooking? I always hate it.

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