October 17th, 2008

[info]stopthatgirl7 in [info]areyougame

"Those Who Seek One Moment of Peace", Final Fantasy XII/Kingdom Hearts, Fran, Riku, and Sora

Once again, your puny timezones mean nothing to me; it's the 17th where I am. Well, OK, I had planned to post this closer to matching everywhere else, but am stuck awake hammering out a translation from Chinese with someone online, and figured posting was a good way to pass the time waiting for their replies.

Title: Those Who Seek One Moment of Peace
Author: joudama
Fandom: Final Fantasy XII/Kingdom Hearts
Rating: worksafe
Warnings: none!
Word count: 743
Summary: The Viera had a saying about this...
Author's Notes )

Prompt: Fran, Riku, and Sora: extroversion - sometimes, she wished it was legal to use a few carefully placed sedatives on other sentients.

Those Who Seek One Moment of Peace )

[info]white_aster in [info]areyougame

Kneel, Tales of the Abyss (Peony/Jade)

Title: Kneel
Author: White Aster
Rating: R/NC-17
Warnings: None!
Word Count: 666 (hah!)
Prompt: Peony/Jade: aristocracy - allegiance

It started at a court function. Read more... )

[info]_ice_lady_ in [info]areyougame

For Thy Pleasure, FFVII (Tseng/Lazard)

Title: For Thy Pleasure
Author/Artist: [info]_ice_lady_
Rating: PG
Warnings: Last row, third from the left - that's a scar, no? :P
Word count: 2055
Prompt: October 5 - Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core, Tseng/Lazard: gun play - "He who controls others may be powerful, but he who has mastered himself is mightier still."
Summary: A simple Friday night.
A/N: [info]sphinxofthenile owns this too. I just forgot which parts. *hides*

Pale skin, pale lips, pale eyes, pale hair. So similar. )

[info]_ice_lady_ in [info]areyougame

Whom He Owns (FFVII DoC, Genesis/Weiss)

Title: Whom He Owns
Author/Artist: [info]_ice_lady_
Rating: PG13
Warnings: Incest?
Word count: 3326
Prompt: October 12 - Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core, Genesis: Angst - And in my pain, the screams of the forgotten echo inside my brain
Summary: Genesis wakes up to find himself inside the Deep Ground complex.
A/N: LATE LATE LATE! *flails*

“You remind me of someone,” Genesis whispered, by now confusing both of them. )

[info]sphinxofthenile in [info]areyougame

Apart With You, Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core (Angeal/Genesis, Sephiroth)

Title: Apart With You
Author/Artist: [info]sphinxofthenile
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: m/m smex and masturbation
Word count: 870
Summary: He knew he shouldn't be doing this.
Prompt: Final Fantasy VII: Sephiroth: Noise - He liked to hear them.
A/N: Seeing the prompt my mind went straight to the gutter, and remained there. My apologies, and many thanks to the loveliest [info]_ice_lady_ for the beta reading and all the immense help.

[info]shimyaku in [info]areyougame

On the Other Side, Final Fantasy VII (Sephiroth)

Title: On the other side
Author/Artist: shimyaku
Rating: R to be safe
Warnings: non-graphic hints of Zack/Cloud, a curious and voyeuristic Sephiroth
Word count: 722
Prompt: Final Fantasy VII, Sephiroth: Noise - He liked to hear them.
Summary: Sephiroth listens in when Zack returns from a mission.
A/N: Written in a fit at 3am, and would you believe it, I finished and posted one on time. Things are looking up.

The wall might as well not be there... )

[info]lassarina in [info]areyougame

Deft (Final Fantasy VIII, Seifer/Zell)

Title: Deft
Author: Lassarina Aoibhell
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Spoilers
Word Count: 1139
Prompt: Seifer/Zell - competence kink - not bad.
Summary: He can't stop staring.
Author's Note: I do so love these two snarking at each other :)

Deft )

[info]mystiri_1 in [info]areyougame

Hold - FFVII: Crisis Core (Sephiroth/Zack/Cloud)

Title: Hold
Author: [info]mystiri_1
Rating: R
Warning: Shameless excuse for tentacle pr0n! Male/male sex, threesome and Zack without pants.
Prompt: Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core, Sephiroth/Zack/Cloud: tentacles - He didn't like to admit it, but he really had a fetish for them.
Summary: Cloud was just supposed to deliver some reports, but they were so distracting...

“Zack has sent me reports? How unusual.” )

November 2010



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