August 1st, 2008

[info]yohjideranged in [info]areyougame

Thanks for playing!

Wow! We have finally completed the month long run of fic/art for [info]areyougame! We would love to be able to run the asylum on a regular basis to encourage more fiction/art for the gaming fans out there, so please don't forget to complete the "exit poll" at the bottom of the post. (Because really, can anyone resist a ticky box?)

Writers, you should be highly pleased with yourselves. The quality of angst, drama, crack, action, pr0n, etc. was top-notch and so much fun to read. So, writers, thank you for all your hard work! We also had one art piece this round! It's always delicious to see art for gaming fandoms and for that, I thank you!

I have tagged the entries by fandom and author/artist. In the next week, I will have a master list posted of what was written.

If you still have stories that you are planning on getting finished, please feel free to post them here at will. I will catalog, tag and add them to the master list as they come in.

Again, thank you all for your participation. I had a great deal of fun and I hope you did too!

And now, for a spiffy little exit poll:

Scraping the poll - big issues with not being able to see the results...hell, I couldn't even see the results and I created it! So, if you could would you please reply in comments instead. Thank you!

1. Would you like to continue with this prompt challenge asylum?

A - Yes!
B - Nah, it was fun but...

2. If yes, when would you prefer the next round be scheduled?

A - Posting in October (prompting/claiming in September)
B - Posting in November (prompting/claiming in October)
C - Posting in December (prompting/claiming in November)
D - Whenever you would like to do it, mod.

3. Unused prompts from this round - would you like to see them:

A - Carry over from this round to the next - they're GOOD prompts, we can still use them!
B - Start fresh with new prompts - those prompts were good, but I like fresh meat.
C - Either way it's all good.

November 2010



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