November 15th, 2015



Good and bad

Good news and bad news.

Good: With the signing of some last bit of paperwork, I will be the newest Senior Writer for Steam Funk Productions, LLC. (YAY!!) While this will start as volunteer (boo...) it has the potential to open many more doors for me as an author/writer. (<--- a very good thing) I feel as if I've stepped up to the next plateau. (<--- possible delusion brought on by a lack of caffeine)

Bad: The expectations that will be placed upon me as a Senior Writer will be 8-9000 words per week. (Holy almost NaNo levels, Batman!) Coupled with my jewelry business, (Etsy. Shards of Bifrost. Geek wear galore!), my own two series (, bitches!), a novel on the back burner and side work of data entry (which actually pays me where the rest doesn't) I'm going to be a busy little monkey. I'm trimming down my RP to accommodate, and not make people wonder "where is this twat, and why is she allowed to sit on characters?!".

My CDJ...CJD...whatever it's ~the_drau. I don't post a lot there, but sometimes I remember to log in and check my friends list. Email is always a good way to stay in contact with me, and (unfortunately) I can be found on Facebook.

Wish me luck! <3


this message will be cross posted AF through the blatant use of copy/paste...see previous comment about lack of caffeine