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Archon's Rest

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Is it lunchtime yet? [20 Mar 2009|02:35pm]
Who: Alex and Erica
When: Day 2, around midday
Where: Atrium, Dining Room
What: Alex meets Erica while looking for the dining room and they have lunch together
Rating: PG for language, probably
Status: complete

May it be your journey on / To light the day )
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[20 Mar 2009|03:56pm]
Who: Stevie and Ben
When: Day 2, midday-ish
Where: library
What: Stevie wakes up and ends up in the library
Rating: meh PG 13 to be safe (if Stevie feels like cussing that is)
Status: complete

Read more... )
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[ viewing | March 20th, 2009 ]
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