Arcana clone - October 14th, 2006 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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October 14th, 2006

[Oct. 14th, 2006|01:20 am]


LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]susan__arcana)

Who: Susan and Hannah
When: 12 December, night
What: Struggling through apology letters
Where: Girl's dorm

Rating: PG

Of pansies and pirates )
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Hogsmeade Weekend! [Oct. 14th, 2006|12:47 pm]



It’s Hogsmeade Weekend!

Get together and have some fun! All students, years three and above, who have signed permission from a parent or guardian may go to Hogsmeade on Saturday or Sunday.

Security Measures:

Aurors and Professors will be patrolling the village. Students are not to travel to or from Hogsmeade alone, and are encouraged to stay with friends while there. Prefects have been asked to watch for signs of trouble and offer assistance to younger students. No student is allowed to leave the village except to return to Hogwarts.

All students are to return to the school by 4:30 pm. Prefects are responsible for ensuring that the students in their house and year have returned to Hogwarts (ex: Pansy & Theo for the 7th yr Slytherins), and Heads of House will be responsible for the 3rd and 4th year students from their Houses.
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DA Meeting Thread [Oct. 14th, 2006|05:16 pm]



Who: The DA
When: Saturday Afternoon
What: DA Meeting
Where: Hogshead Pub
Rating: TBD
Status: Threaded/Incomplete

In a dark corner of the Hogshead there was a large booth with several chairs pulled over, to provide additional seating. A dingy sign sat on it that read reserved.

Nearby, Hermione Granger was doing her best to blend - which meant she stuck out like a sore thumb. She had arrived early to make sure the booth had been set up properly. They were all going to meet here and talk, then go back to Hogwarts if they wanted to practice. It seemed like a good enough plan, since the Hogshead was the type of place where people didn't ask questions, and Hermione didn't trust the Three Broomsticks since the matter with Madame Rosmerta had happened. It seemed strange but it made her feel better that Aberforth was present - sort of like if a Dumbledore was near by everything would be fine, even though she knew Aberforth was not his brother. He was still a member of the Order, though, and that was always a positive thing.

Wringing her hands nervously while leaning against the wall, Hermione's attention was pulled to the door as someone came in. She hoped it was one of her friends.
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[Oct. 14th, 2006|05:54 pm]


LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]susan__arcana)

Who: Neville and Susan
What: News and a kiss
Where: Hufflepuff room to entrance hall
When: 13 December, shortly before (this) and after (this and this)

Rating: PG

How is everything, Mr. Longbottom? )
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[Oct. 14th, 2006|07:58 pm]


LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]susan__arcana)

Who: Susan, Lavender
When: 13 December, after this
What: Quite a bit of anger
Where: Gryffindor tower

Rating: PG

Frustration and Fury )
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[Oct. 14th, 2006|09:46 pm]


LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]lavender_arcana)

Who: Lavender and Neville
When: Saturday Morning
Synopsis: Nev tries to comfort Lav, but she's feeling raw and tries to assert herself. Feelings are hurt all around.
Rating: PG?

I'll be damned if I stay around to be your whipping boy. )
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