Arcana clone - September 3rd, 2006 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Arcana clone

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September 3rd, 2006

[Sep. 3rd, 2006|01:39 am]


LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]justin_arcana)

Who: Velvet!Justin and Death!Blaise
Where: Somewhere in the "haunted" corridor
When: Halloween- Sometime during the party, Justin sneaks away
What: A bit of scaring.
Rating: G he really wished he'd stuck with Divination, as he bet Trelawney talked a lot about encountering Death )
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[Sep. 3rd, 2006|04:21 pm]


LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]padma_arcana)

Who: Blaise & Padma
When: after the Halloween festivities
Where: corridors
Rating: G
What: an escort to the Ravenclaw common room, sans scythe

Dramatic lot, you Ravenclaws )
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[Sep. 3rd, 2006|08:43 pm]


Who: Padma, Daphne
Where: Library
When: Sundayish
What: Tight-lippedness, studying
Rating: Quite G

I've been growing rather ill watching Longbottom and Bonesy congeal, to be frank. )
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