Arcana clone - August 30th, 2006 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Arcana clone

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August 30th, 2006

[Aug. 30th, 2006|10:11 am]


LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]alicia_arcana)

Who: Alicia & Eddie
Where: Diagon Alley and then the Leaky Cauldron
What: Alicia makes a slight fool of herself and meets Eddie. They talk and go to the Leaky Cauldron for drinks before parting ways so Eddie can play.
When: Monday evening
Rating: G
Status: Complete

“Well, that is a shame. Home cooked meals are always so much better than restaurants and taverns.” )
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Last Days! [Aug. 30th, 2006|02:39 pm]



Last chance to get logs/threads done for the House Points competition! It ends at the end of the day tomorrow, and all logs must be posted or threads completed by then.

As it stands right now, if nothing else is completed:

Gryffindor loses 60 pts
Hufflepuff loses 30 pts (10 if today's chat is completed)
Ravenclaw loses 10 pts
Slytherin loses 40 pts

Updates have also been made to account for dropped characters. You might want to double-check the list and see if your character was given a new pairing.
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[Aug. 30th, 2006|07:02 pm]


LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]padma_arcana)

Who: Blaise & Padma
When: Wednesday evening, October 29th
Where: a sekrit!!
Rating: G
What: unexpected encounters, concessions, and lies

Well, this is wildly inappropriate )
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[Aug. 30th, 2006|09:01 pm]


LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]sally_arcana)

Who: Sally-Anne and Hannah
When: October 29th night.
Where: Hufflepuff common room!
Rating: G
What: Halloween talk, girltalk!

A nice evening in the common room! )
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