Arcana clone - August 16th, 2006 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Arcana clone

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August 16th, 2006

[Aug. 16th, 2006|02:52 am]


LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]hannah_arcana)

Who: Hannah, Susan
Where: Hannah's bed
What: Talk about boys and the future
When: Late Monday night, Oct 13th
Rating: G
Status: Complete

'Haaaannnah!' Gleeful, she rolled around in her cousin's sheets, eyes squeezed shut, hair messy and wild.  )
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[Aug. 16th, 2006|09:45 am]


LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]ernie_arcana)

Who: Ernie and Hannah
When: Late on the 14th
Why: Celebrating
Where: Common Room
Rating: PG
Status: Completed

Well of course! Somebody has to...not that you can't on your own, of course, but you wouldn't be a good muffin baker. )
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[Aug. 16th, 2006|02:50 pm]


LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]blaise_arcana)

Who: Blaise and Pansy
Where: Courtyard, then the corridors to the History of Magic classroom
When: Break between classes
What: Chatter between friends, and a prank may have been inspired.
Status: Complete
Rating: G

I am contemplating the powers of the universe, the wonders of the cosmos, and deciding whether this truly is worth the effort )
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HOUSE POINTS COMPETITION [Aug. 16th, 2006|04:29 pm]



Arcana players...come on down! It's time for another House Points Contest. *the crowd goes wild*

This time we're back to RPing for points. We like to call this The RP Lottery. Woohoo! The idea came from something I spotted in another game and showed to Ellie. We both thought it was very neat and decided to use it here. It won't be a normal thing, but we'll probably do it every couple months, just to change things up a bit.

How does it work? It's easy! Early this morning Ellie and I split up all the characters into two groups of 23. Then we put all the names into a bag and took turns drawing them and matching them up. It's all completely random, and it was a lot of fun for us just doing that part. Seriously, I was laughing so hard at one of them I couldn't breathe. We have not altered these pairings in any way. Fate has decided, and we will honor that. *hee*

Below is a list of various pairings for RP.

The pairings that are bolded are the ones that are required. These pairings have a justifiable reason to be played out -- either these characters are related, in the same house, in the same year, etc. Not saying they'll all be easy, and we know some may require some creativity, but they can be done without too much work. If these pairings are not played out, each house involved will lose 10 points. If they are, 5 points will be awarded.

Pairings that are in italics are those we think will be very difficult to play out, but not impossible. These pairings are worth 10 points, and are encouraged but not required to be played.

Pairings that are not italiced or bolded are not required. These pairings probably don't make a whole lot of sense. If the players somehow find a way to play them out, they will earn 15 points.

You have through August 31st to complete these and get them posted. Anything after that won't count except for personal satisfaction and possible kudos from the group. So poke people, get some RP going, and don't let your houses down!

ETA: Please make sure to put in your heading stuff that the RP (log or thread) is for the competition, so we can make sure to credit your houses!

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[Aug. 16th, 2006|05:44 pm]


LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]padma_arcana)

Who: Vicky & Padma
Where: the library
When: evening of the 15th
Rating: G
What: muttering!Padma, weirded-out!Vicky

why can't she just talk like a normal person? )
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OOTP [Aug. 16th, 2006|06:47 pm]


LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]moody_arcana)

Orders have come down for a couple of people.

Tonks and Hestia )
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[Aug. 16th, 2006|10:20 pm]


LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]blaise_arcana)

Who: Blaise and Padma
Where: Around the lake
When: After History of Magic
What: the quality of names, a shared cloak, a silent understanding (Jillian rules for coming up with the what because I fail.)
Status: Complete
Rating: G

She wanted a harem, I suppose, and could have it no other way, and wakes them each when she wants their company. )
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