Arcana clone - July 24th, 2006 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Arcana clone

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July 24th, 2006

[Jul. 24th, 2006|02:50 am]


LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]susan__arcana)

Who: Hannah and Susan
Where: Hannah's bed!
What: Chitchats and tears
When: Sunday night, laterish
Rating: G
Status: Complete

This wouldn't have anything to do with a certain Head Boy would it? )
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[Jul. 24th, 2006|03:27 am]


LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]hannah_arcana)

Who: Ernie & Hannah
Where: Ernie's Dorm Room >.>
What: Comforting and talk of living arrangements
When: Sept 19th, after Daphne's journal entry
Rating: PG, despite being on his bed
Status: Complete (my apologies, SNL, for forgetting to put this up earlier)

He had a bit of an obsession with keeping her safe... )
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[Jul. 24th, 2006|05:54 am]


LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]narcissa_arcana)

Who: Lucius & Narcissa (with a brief appearance by Andreus Greengrass)
Where: Malfoy Manor
What: Talking, Teasing, Comforting
When: Sept 19th (references this journal post)
Rating: PG-13 (surprisingly)
Status: Completed

Do you know that there are still old laws in place that allow for killing trespassers during a time of war? )
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[Jul. 24th, 2006|03:11 pm]


Who: Daphne and Tracey
Where: Dorm room
What: Gossip and chocolate and wine
When: Sunday afternoon
Rating: PG for bewze
Status: Complete

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