Arcana clone - July 21st, 2006 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Arcana clone

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July 21st, 2006

[Jul. 21st, 2006|12:41 am]


Who: Daphne and Hannah
Where: Astronomy Class
What: Snide remarks all around!
When: Thursday evening
Rating: G
Status: Complete

take Ms. Greengrass with you to be certain you don't faint in the hallway... )
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[Jul. 21st, 2006|03:30 am]


LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]hermione_arcana)

Who: Ron & Hermione
Where: Ginny's Bedroom at the Burrow
What: Talk about Harry, mostly
When: Thursday night
Rating: PG
Status: Complete

Her skin was warm through her nightshirt and some of her hair had fallen forward and brushed Ron's hand. )
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Birthday Party! [Jul. 21st, 2006|02:01 pm]



Who: Open to Anyone
Where: The backyard of The Burrow
What: A Birthday Party for Hermione!
When: September 19, 1997 - 3pm until eveyone leaves
Rating: Behave, now, Molly's watching!
Status: Incomplete/Threaded

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[Jul. 21st, 2006|07:57 pm]


LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]hermione_arcana)

Who: Ron & Hermione
Where: The Burrow
What: Hermione gets her final birthday present, and it's very special
When: Friday night, after all the festivities
Rating: G
Status: Completed

I need to speak with Hermione for a moment, and I think that mum's looking for you in the kitchen, something about a blender? )
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