Arcana clone - July 18th, 2006 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Arcana clone

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July 18th, 2006

[Jul. 18th, 2006|12:05 am]


Who: Daphne and Tracey
Where: Slytherin 7th year girls dorm
What: Establishing alibis
When: Backdated - Sunday night after all the DRAMAZ
Rating: PG
Status: Completed

Alibi )
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[Jul. 18th, 2006|02:33 pm]


LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]darklord_arcana)

Who: Draco, Lucius, and the Dark Lord
Where: Run down house in the middle of nowhere
What: The Dark Lord gives the Malfoy's their orders
When: Monday night, just after Narcissa was arrested
Rating: PG
Status: Completed

Above the heavy clouds, somewhere the nearly-full moon shined and Draco was sure that he could hear the low whine of a Werewolf )
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[Jul. 18th, 2006|08:22 pm]


LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]mandy_arcana)

Who: Roger and Mandy
Where: Gate to Hogsmeade, edge of the grounds
When: Monday early evening
What: Mandy sneaks over to the gate to meet Roger
Rating: PG for a couple of kisses and stupid talk

Mandy felt like James Bond )
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[Jul. 18th, 2006|10:20 pm]


LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]neville_arcana)

Who: Neville & Susan
When: Monday night, patrol time
Where: Around the castle's lower floors, with a pit stop in the kitchens.
What: Monday night patrols and a nice cup of tea.
Rating: PG--there's an, er, surprise at the end. Dirty thoughts, Neville, you nasty teenage boy!
Status: Complete!

Fancy a cuppa? )
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