Arcana clone - July 13th, 2006 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Arcana clone

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July 13th, 2006

[Jul. 13th, 2006|03:15 am]


LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]neville_arcana)

Who: Hannah Abbot & Neville Longbottom
Where: Greenhouse Five
When: Wednesday afternoon/evening
What: Talking about family and loss
Rating: PG for ANGST.
Status: Complete!

Would it be okay if I asked you something personal? )
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[Jul. 13th, 2006|02:09 pm]


LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]harry_arcana)

Who: Hermione and Harry.
Where: Number twelve, Grimmauld Place.
When: Wednesday during the day.
What: They go to see if the place is still habitable and make an interesting discovery.
Rating: G.

Hermione? Come over here … )
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