Arcana clone - June 5th, 2006 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Arcana clone

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June 5th, 2006

"It's Giant Wine. The Russians swear by it." "I'm sure they do. I bet they say 'What the hell is thi [Jun. 5th, 2006|03:35 am]


LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]bill_arcana)

Who: Bill & Charlie
Where: Burrow!
When: Monday afternoon
What: Talking... drinking. ;)
Rating: G-PG

After work, Bill went home to check in with Fleur and change clothes. He grabbed a bottle from the wine rack in the kitchen and popped out to the Burrow. Even as the oldest son, he wouldn't just pop directly into the house. There was just something traditional about walking in through the front door the way he did.
"Hello?" he called out, hoping to get some time with his oldest brother and talk about the state of things.
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