Posts Tagged: 'unit+assignments'

May. 16th, 2010


Team Announcements

Welcome two new teams!

Imber - #0090ff
Sonohara Anri
Guy Cecil
Kirisaki Kyoko

Eluvies - #ad07a3
Rena Lanford
Jacuzzi Splot

with Data and Akazukin acting as their respective Cinis!

The introduction of two new teams means there are also two new territories, and new instilled memories for both new and existing teams. Fulmen, Aura, and Tonitrum, the way this works is upon being aware that Imber and Eluvies are around, you suddenly remember what you thought about them. Akin to how you can forget something entirely until someone jogs your memory.

Anyway, everyone please familiarize yourself with the updates.

Eluvies, the Flora section will get a more thorough update TOMORROW. It is a LOT OF INFO so I just put up a short and sweet version for now.

Once teams have read the updated info, they are allowed to intro at any time!

Instilled Memories
Unit Inventories
Maps, Territories and World Description
Flora and Fauna

CINIS we will be having our first Cinis post sometime soonish. Possibly tomorrow if I have the time and energy to run both Izaya and Omen. If you can't make it or are late, that's fine. I know my schedule is bouncy so I'll try to pick things up later if need be.

May. 3rd, 2010


Drops, Apps, Annoucements


I have!!

Ropponmatsu is our first in game death! However, despite what I said (and still say) about perma-death, she is reappable due to being a robot. Special exception, and yes it should apply to all androids in the future.

Sister Monica Argento will be replacing her on Fulmen. She shouldn't appear BEFORE the body is cleared away but any time after that is gold.

Our FIRST MINI GAME will be held Tuesday evening, May 04th, with mingle starting at 8PM EST. I believe that would be at 10 AM Wednesday for our moontimers, so hopefully something most people can make.

I don't actually know what the game is yet, but given that there are only 3 teams I don't expect it to take more than two or three hours. And I will cut into the mingle to start things earlier if everyone is around.

Apr. 26th, 2010


[No Subject]

Two things!

Adiane was totally never there.

Haine will be the Cinis for Fulmen, just as soon as she's ready to go.

Adiane will perhaps REAPPEAR in time but for now since Lady doesn't have time to play her, Fulmen plz consider that retconned =|b I have not yet decided what to do about characters that leave but don't die, so it's easiest to just pretend she was never there.

ALSO! Please check out the new map located here.

I realized the last map was much smaller than I meant for it to be. This one is far more accurate. even though it looks smaller, the scale is for a larger area, so everyone's areas are large. Aura, your field is a quarter square mile, which is waaaaaaaay bigger than an acre. Tonitrum's area is several miles, etc. The only thing that isn't to scale is buildings, because otherwise they probably wouldn't have shown up.

Anyway, this map is ten miles across and ten high. It's certainly a distance that people CAN travel on foot, but the chocobo will be considerably faster. Which is why you have them =|b

Apr. 18th, 2010


Aaand go.

☉ Game Start ☉

Okay, I beliiieve I have filled in everything the general masses needs. If you see any mistakes, contradictions, or just stuff that is missing, please let me know here and I will make the appropriate alterations.

As it is! You should all have everything you need to get started. Most obvious changes have been made in Instilled Memories, Unit Inventories, Maps, Territories and World Description, and Flora and Fauna.

Here are the team announcements! These are final.

Orihara Izaya
Leroy Schwartzer

Hasegawa Mai
Heiwajima Shizuo

Ryuugamine Mikado
Pisces Albafica
Dean Winchester
Gilbert Nightray

Shin Seijuurou
Son Goku
Kida Masaomi
Bobby Singer

Aaaand. That should be it for now. Note that I ACCIDENTALLY BROKE the Introduction page the process of doing a million things, so the version there is a little outdated. I will fix it tomorrow, along with adding some other stuff. There will also be team Journals tomorrow, when I feel like posting them. For now! Go read about your teams and get started! Cinis will COME TO YOU.