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Apple Creek Senior High

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RP Log: Dante and Tara, BACKDATED to Tara's end of the year party [
June 20th, 2008 @ 4:37pm

Characters: Dante LeComte and Tara Perrault
Setting: Tara's party, a couple weeks back
Summary: Tara and Dante have a chat; secrets are revealed and feelings are changed.
Rating: PG-13 for drunkenness.

Tell me a story, Dante LeComte! )

June 17th, 2008 @ 12:53pm

Who: Dottie Fahey and Ben Isaacs
When: BACKDATED to Thursday evening-ish
What: Mostly chatting
Where: Michelangelo's Pizza, mainly
Status: Logged, complete
Rating: G

I forgot to get a refill of my soda, Ben. )

June 17th, 2008 @ 9:48am

[ mood | can't believe I just sent that ]

From: Esther Prince <>
To: Damien Milton <>
Subject: (no subject)

I'm not sick of you.


June 15th, 2008 @ 11:17pm

Who: Kimberly Bell and Erik d'Herblay
When: Monday afternoon
Where: Jackson Mall
What: A cute little hangout turns sour when they get into a fight over something Kim finds out
Rating: TBA

''I think my brother just said it to make me look like a fool.'' )


June 15, 2008 - Staff Journal Entry [
June 15th, 2008 @ 1:41pm
Now that classes have officially come to a close, I feel that it is my duty to wish all of you a fantastic summer. I'm sure that you're all very sad that you won't have the opportunity to walk these halls for another few months, but somehow I envision you all making it through in one piece. But I do hope to see many of your faces at the academic and sports banquet on Wednesday and Thursday of this week respectively. If you forgot, it is starting at 6pm in the auditorium and anyone involved in any of the academic clubs and teams or the sports teams throughout the year are asked to attend!

For these journals, they will naturally be of use for all of you during the summer. They won't be patrolled quite as frequently as they have been over the end of the school year since they were opened up, but do keep in mind that all of the rules that have been enforced thus far ought to be abided by now as well.

Which, of course, brings me to your assignment. Oh, I know. I'm terrible for forcing an assignment upon you - it's summer break, after all! However, I hope this is an easy one and you have all summer long to complete it. Quite simply: Keep us up to date during the summer! What are your plans? Are you going on any trips? Will you be trying to master a new high score on Guitar Hero? Or will you be working the summer long? Tell us about it and maybe if you don't have any plans match up with someone else's. :)

Thanks! And have a great summer, folks!

Ms. Georgia Olives
Head of the Guidance Department

Email: To all Key Club Members [
June 14th, 2008 @ 3:42pm

From: Claire Greene <>
To: Anne Elliot <>; Dottie Fahey<>; Andy Knight <>; all other members of the Key Club
Subject: Fourth of July

emails are yum )


AIM Convo - Anne & Ian [backdated to 06/10] [
June 12th, 2008 @ 10:43pm

Are you still interested in Meals on Wheels? )

RP Log: Jules, Jamie (with a little bit of Anne) [
June 12th, 2008 @ 9:58am

Who: Jules Capello, Jamie Montague
When: PROM (shush! I know it's SERIOUSLY backdated!)
Where: Uh, prom?
What: PROM! No, really. It's at the prom. Jules gets dumped by Darin AT prom, Anne tries to help, but then it's only the young Montague boy who could step in.
Rating: R for RIDICULOUS.
Status: Finished. Been finished for a long time. :(

'It's been the strangest day...' )

AIM Chat: Claire and Anne [
June 11th, 2008 @ 11:44am

Who: Anne and Claire
When: Tuesday night
What: Claire vents to Anne about Ray and Anne discusses Ian with Claire. Also, voodoo dolls.

'Course not. Any voodoo dolls we make will not be real. We'll just use the book I happened to find as a reference guide. )

One Shot: Claire Greene and Ray Gardner [
June 9th, 2008 @ 4:14pm

Who: Claire Greene and Ray Gardner
Where: The Hop
When: After school on Monday (and after the Tony/Claire log)
What: LOLDRAMA Tony's Favorite Day EVER The ~Break-Up~
Rating: G
Status: Complete in fic form

We need to talk, I think. )

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