Sunday, October 30th, 2016

the page in front of him appears to burst into blue flames and disintegrates slowly as it turns to ash. Quickly, a few scribbles are followed as Rin tries to frantically put out the fire, but then his somewhat messy handwriting appears a moment later

Okay, seriously, WHAT THE HELL is up with this place?! I mean, really! It's supposed to be a DAMN SECRET, but WHATEVER! This place is making it damn near impossible and I just set my journal on fire. And journals? Really?! Yukio would so kill me if he were here right now. Geeze. I'm guessing no one I know is or someone would have stopped me from rambling right now.

Um..hi? I'm Rin and if Satan is behind this, I'm SO going to beat the shit out of you!
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Monday, October 10th, 2016

Today appears to be Master Reigen's birthday. I hope he's doing well at work or took the day off.

But Master is really lonely and usually is sad on his birthday unless I bring a cake after school... but I'm not there with him... he must be really disappointed and depressed...

[The sun may not be as harsh and plenty of harvest (food and/or materials) had grown to either extreme sizes or 5x more plentiful than usual due to Mob reaching over '100% Solicitude']
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Friday, September 23rd, 2016

I guess I'm going to miss that upcoming math test, but I would've failed anyway. Hopefully Master Reigen won't need me at work today either.

There was supposed to be a school club meeting though... Well, this is unfortunate.

There are others sort of like me here. Huh.
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