Sunday, October 30th, 2016

the page in front of him appears to burst into blue flames and disintegrates slowly as it turns to ash. Quickly, a few scribbles are followed as Rin tries to frantically put out the fire, but then his somewhat messy handwriting appears a moment later

Okay, seriously, WHAT THE HELL is up with this place?! I mean, really! It's supposed to be a DAMN SECRET, but WHATEVER! This place is making it damn near impossible and I just set my journal on fire. And journals? Really?! Yukio would so kill me if he were here right now. Geeze. I'm guessing no one I know is or someone would have stopped me from rambling right now.

Um..hi? I'm Rin and if Satan is behind this, I'm SO going to beat the shit out of you!
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Tuesday, October 18th, 2016

It's been quiet here. For this place, anyhow. I found Mog a new friend, if that's alright. I thought I might name her Kupo. Since my magical studies are going so well, I thought it would be okay. This one really likes Thor's cape, though. He doesn't seem to notice her trailing along, and I'm not going to tell him because it's very cute.

Armin, I'm finished with a few more of the books, if you'd like to read them. There hasn't been much to do, so I've been reading a lot.

I was told there's something we should do! And I was told I could ask it too! Um, could we go on a date? Jane says it's like dinner or a walk or movies... I don't know what movies are, but we could go for a walk! And maybe dinner too. And I could dress up, I'm sure.
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Thursday, September 1st, 2016


I should have done this awhile ago, but...

You have some time to talk? It's been awhile since we have, just you and me. There's something I should tell you anyway.
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Tuesday, August 23rd, 2016



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Saturday, August 13th, 2016

[Filtered: Eren, Armin]

I'm training the doctor in how to use the gear. She's determined to go outside the walls and I won't have her defenseless.

Do you both want to meet me at the training grounds to teach her before I take her out there?
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Friday, August 12th, 2016

What was that? It felt like the whole world was being torn apart...

It wasn't me. I promise it wasn't me this time. Please believe me.
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Thursday, August 11th, 2016

[Filtered: Marco and Jean]

Since Historia now has her rightful place as Queen, I've been told I can be vouched into the interior to see what's still in the castle for information resources and things like that. I thought it'd be better to get extra help though to not miss anything, so if one of you want to join me, please let me know. It'd be really helpful. I figured either of you would be the best options for reasons I hope I don't need to explain.

Sorry if I'm pestering. I can maybe find someone else if I am.
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I guess this makes my job a whole lot easier now, right? Congratulations, Historia. I'm so proud of you.

And...I just got a report from someone saying some bald guy just punched out a Titan. Does anyone know anything about that?

[Filtered: Armin]

Er, hello. I don't really know you much, but I've heard a lot about you. I don't know how many things are still left in the interior and the castle, but if you wanted to look around for anything, you're more than welcome to it. I can vouch for you. I...I guess I should introduce myself, too. I'm Alphonse Elric, of the Military Police. And boyfriend to Historia Reiss, if that makes a difference to you.

[Filtered: Brother]

So, um, gonna tell me what's going on or do I have to talk to Winry first? UM. Also. My girlfriend is Queen now. I still don't really know what to think about that.
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I've never had a pet before. At least it doesn't seem like the kind of thing the Empire would allow their weapons soldiers. Thank you for letting me have him, Castiel. He's really agile. He can almost climb all the way to the top of the curtains already. And may have broken something expensive, but I don't think Loki's noticed yet.

I feel good taking care of him. It makes me smile, and sometimes I think maybe I'm a little bit normal after all. It's a nice thought to have. I don't know if I'll always get to feel this way, but I'm glad I get to for now.
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Monday, August 8th, 2016

[In true Connie fashion, he tries to be stealthy about his secret meetings with Sasha, but forgets to make this note private to her.... Have fun with that.]


Second floor.

I'm in the closet.
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Sunday, August 7th, 2016

Is everyone done losing their minds yet? If we ever went more than a week without some weird shit happening it would be a miracle.


Are you...better now? Please tell me you're better now.


Promise me you're never going to go crazy. I don't think any of us could handle that.
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...where would I be able to buy things for a kitten? I need a bed, and food. And toys. Kittens like toys, right? I could practice my magic and make toys for him, I'm sure. Like a little mouse or a moogle.
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Friday, August 5th, 2016

[ Filtered: Armin and Jean]

As I am working things out with Historia and the newcomers, I'd like to ask the two of you to watch over the Survey Corps. You can threaten running with Captain Levi’s squad if it's necessary to keep anyone from making bad decisions after this week.
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Tuesday, August 2nd, 2016

I'm going to kill them all.

drops of blood and Titan gore appear on Mikasa's journal
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Thursday, May 12th, 2016

Right. Since I'm doing this now. My name is Mikasa Ackerman, of the 104th cadet core, ranked first.

Those of you who are attending the newest military training, the 107th cadet core, show up tomorrow morning first thing. We'll be running laps for at least two hours, so prepare for that. It will last roughly two weeks. By the end of the two weeks, if you rank in the top ten, you may opt to join the Military Police. The remainder of you may choose between the Survey Corps or the Garrison.

Should you choose to join the Survey Corps, your mission will be a challenging one. The commander has stated that we are going against the path of the king. Be prepared for making that decision and following through with whatever consequences may come because of that. It is also our mission to identify any Titan shifters that may be out there still. We strongly suspect that the Beast Titan is one. The other Titan shifters are under my personal command as part of my squad, with the exception of Eren Jaeger. Should any of you have any concern about that, take it up with me personally. Until you can beat me or any other squad leader in combat, I wouldn't recommend trying to take down any of them. I ranked first in my training class above all of the known Titan shifters.

You may also commit to showing up here. If you don't, consider yourself a military drop out.

I will also tell you that part of my direction is to prepare the space once occupied behind Wall Maria to be occupied again as soon as possible. This means going out beyond the walls and pushing back the Titans. We are planning a mission outside the Walls three weeks from now, one week outside of your training course. If you think you can't handle the Titans by then, don't show up.


[Filtered: Captain Levi]

Forgive me, sir...was I...too harsh?

[Filtered: Eren Jaeger and Armin Arlert]
Now I'm the one running the training. I don't really know what I'm doing...I suppose, the best I can do, is follow our previous examples.
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Friday, March 11th, 2016

[Filtered: Armin]

I have a theory I want to run by you. When are you free?

[Filtered: Eren]

I know you probably like the fact that Annie is back no more than I do. She will be useful. I have to request that you don't attack her. None of the others have yet. She's promised not to if no one attacks her. Can you meet me in my office as soon as possible?
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Friday, March 4th, 2016

The will to keep living is the strongest of all.

[Captain Levi]

Whatever you need from any of us, I am here to assist. You saved Eren's life. It's not something I will ever forget. I know he won't, either.


Armin, what's going on? Battles in the interior?


Come find me when you are free.
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Thursday, March 3rd, 2016

[Filter: Rin, Archer, Toshiro, Rukia, Kenshin, Asuna]

I have a favor to request of all of you. It's been reported to me that there may be vampire attacks in the interior. I'd like for you to be back up for Colonel Mustang. If anyone questions your presence there, however, your orders came from Armin rather than myself. There's a reason for this. I believe I can count on you all to follow through with this request. Please take Colonel Mustang's lead and follow his orders while you are there, under one condition: if it turns out to be Klaus, prevent him from killing Klaus. Is that understood?

[Filter: Orihime, Uryu]

Orihime, could I ask you to be on standby to heal anyone who might need it? Uryu, I'm certain this is an order you won't mind following. Protect her.

[Filter: Armin]

Armin. I've received reports of trouble in the interior. Colonel Mustang needs our assistance and we have a mutual understanding of the situation at hand. I've sent in some of our soldiers as back up. Rin, Archer, Toshiro, Rukia, Asuna and Kenshin. If they are questioned, I've told them to state that you were the one who gave this order and not myself. Commander Dok has asked specifically for me not to get involved with his family or his business and I wish to respect that; however, not at the cost of innocent lives. Would you be willing to state that you issued those orders?

[added in later, Filtered to Buffy ]

I have a special request of you, Buffy. I need you to be my eyes and ears out there. Due to my agreement with the other commander, I can have no involvement in his business. Watch carefully for me. Engage only if necessary. And do not kill Klaus, no matter how much we want to. Find a rooftop and watch everything. Can you do that for me?
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Thursday, February 18th, 2016

[Eren and Jean]

I feel like I need to apologize to the both of you. They're for completely different reasons, but regardless, I'm sorry. If there's need for clarification, I'll do that, but I feel they might be obvious... or maybe that's just me.

[Commander Erwin]

I've been coming up with a couple of different formations, due to recent events and stuff, as well as a few things to maybe help Squad Leader Hange with her project. Also, I'm not sure if it's a good time at all any time soon, but you said I can just talk to you if I needed to, right? I don't want to be bothersome, but maybe it's for the best so I can concentrate again.
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Tuesday, February 16th, 2016

The situation with the Titans earlier has been brought under control once again.

[Klaus ]

It's come to my attention that one of the new arrivals comes from your world. Is he someone I should worry about?

[Amy Pond]

Thank you for meeting with River. I think she could use more meetings in the future.

[Levi, Hange and Armin ]

One of you must know. Who went outside the walls? I've already gotten reports about it earlier today.

And an add in here. Hange, you're in charge this evening. I'm meeting with Armin.
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