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Age of Darkness RPG - Out of Character

When confronted by our worst nightmares, the choices are few. Fight, or flight.
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[May 9th, 11
6:36 pm

Would anyone like to thread with Seamus, Charlie or Lucius? Those are the only ones without threads atm :P

I should also have tagged everyone I owe tags to.

Introducing Bellatrix [May 5th, 11
1:27 am

Hi this is Jess, as I just said, with my seventh character, Bellatrix. She is eager for plotlines. Any ideas, anyone want to thread?

[May 5th, 11
11:49 am

Guys I am soooo sick! I need a distraction. Does anyone want to thread with Neville, Harry, Lily, Bill or Blaise?

[Apr 30th, 11
6:37 pm

Hi guys, I know I'm slow and apologies for that. I just have a million things due in the next month. I'll reply to things when I can but there could be some days (even a week in between in bad bad cases).

Sorry all!

New Character? [Apr 29th, 11
5:49 pm

Are there any characters that people particularly want to see? I'm thinking of picking up a seventh. I am thinking ruling class since I've never had a ruling class character. Any ruling class characters you guys wish were around? I'm also open to other ideas too if you're looking for a particular character.

[Apr 27th, 11
8:48 am


Here's the button to add James... if you can get it to work! Alex, Jess, I'm out today... could someone finish up the add for me? I fell asleep last night trying to do it 0.O

Never mind, I'm on it ;)

[Apr 26th, 11
6:02 pm


Meet James Potter. I've never played him before, so I'll try not to butcher him too badly. ;)

His bio is up here and I'm going to try and go through the old James threads to catch up on his in-game history, but if anyone wants to fill me in on things you think I should know, feel free!

I'm excited to be playing him, so hit me up for threads, etc. A brief summary on what's going on with the Outsiders now that I should know about for him would be helpful, too!

Poke me here or you can catch me on AIM @ macgirl50.

♥ Lena

P.S. Modlies, can I please get a player tag so I can tag this? :)

[Apr 26th, 11
8:01 pm

Here he is, the little charmer himself. Thanks Alex for giving me the journal complete with icons! (guys don't ever bother making your own journals, Alex usually has three or four in her stockpile)

There's a short bio here, but I've made him pretty similar to the last Blaise we had, read: kind of a bastard. I'll keep all the backstory with Afton and Hannah, and the Rabastan plot too, because that's kind of interesting even if we don't have one. Just ask me if you have any other backstory you want to know about. Oh and I put in that he occasionally accosts male servants as well as female ones (a throwback to some VERY early plot... it might not be relevant anymore but I like these little tie-ins). Anyway the current male servants are probably safe as long as they look more like men than boys.

Jess I know Mandy was his servant for about five minutes, up to you if you want to keep that or not.

So yeah. Plots and stuff!


[Apr 26th, 11
7:57 pm


Hello, this button adds Blaise! Yeah, I couldn't resist it. I've updated the cast list(s) and removed Thorfinn since we haven't heard from him... ever. Anyone know about Mel...?

PS. Just because I'm not yelling at you guys about activity anymore doesn't mean you have to completely disappear off the grid! Give us a shout in a journal via character, let us know you're still around.

[Apr 25th, 11
11:51 pm

I think I want to pick up an Outsider. Or someone in the "ruling class" who could be one of the good guys.

Any suggestions?

[Apr 24th, 11
11:01 pm

I realised I only have characters in 2 of the 4 categories. This must be rectified. I need a student... I'm thinking Blaise? Ideas, plots? I'm thinking of making him a total bastard... as in one of those guys who used to abuse Justin back in the day.

[Apr 22nd, 11
9:13 pm


Seamus wants plots!

Now I'm off to find him a PB :P

Also while I'm at it, anyone want to thread with Charlie or Gilbert or Lucius?

[Apr 22nd, 11
6:47 am

Hi everybody! It's Caly again, and I bring you the fruition of the cracked out idea. This is Dorcas Meadowes, former Slytherin, Order of the Phoenix alum believed to be dead, who was kept locked up by Voldie for years and years and years. Why? Because she's a Seer-type and was seriously putting a hurting to his people back when, because she's a brilliant strategist.

It also took her X amount of years to escape and now she'll be rejoining the ranks of Outsiders. She's also blind, but copes through spells and such. Still, don't be surprised if you see her wearing glasses or she has trouble looking you directly in the face.

She also has slight touches of paranoia and other issues from being locked up, and is a teeny bit emaciated at the moment. So yeah, fun times!

[Apr 21st, 11
7:05 pm

Hi guys

Thought I'd let you know that I finally went and revised the rules to reflect the changes that took place a couple of months ago. This is mainly to inform potential players but I suggest you all go take a look so we're all on the same page! Expect changes to occur on the other modly pages as well as I now have a bit more time to get things sorted out.

Also a quick thanks to everyone for sticking with it the last few months. Its been tough times and as I said to Alex the other day, at one point in December I literally thought we were done. But good old AoD has defied my expectations yet again and has now been running a whole sixteen months. You guys rock and I love you. Loff train!

<3 Andy

Gah... [Apr 20th, 11
9:40 am

I swear I got to stop doing the disappearing act and I am really sorry guys because I know you all lo e my Cissa and what not. But life has been a real nail biter the past week or so, so that is why you have not seen me as active as I would like to be. Between work and being there for my mother who is mentally ill somedays are really hard to get on to rp, but life seems to have slowed down for the moment and I am able to rp with Cissa. Anyone want to plot with her? She needs more interaction and what not so hit me up with the plots and what not. I have missed you all and I look forward getting myself active again.

Also, I want to play another character. I normally play girl characters so any suggestions as to who I should play?


Pansy Parkinson likes games [Apr 20th, 11
8:42 am

So here I am with Miss Pansy whom I have a weird love for.
I figured I can go ahead and start getting her into plotting/interactions.

Canon-Pansy is friends with Draco, Blaise and the rest of the usual Slytherin gang and she has a girl gang of her own. I'm still trying to get the feel of this community so let me know if you have any ideas for her :)

[Apr 19th, 11
11:49 am

GUYS I had a totally cracked out idea, but I'm on vic right no and can't telll if it's a good or bad one!

1. We had Evan brought back to life right and Reg?

2. I really really miss playing Dorcas.

Can I bring Dorcas in? She was supposedly killed by Voldie during the first war, but what if he like, kept her captured somewhere and made her work for him, and she managed to esccaaaape, and maybe steal the seventh horcrux while she was at it?

I have two ways I normally play her:

1. Blind girl who was a seer and strategist for the Order and...

2. Ex-Slytherin traitor DE and fantastic strategist.

Because she had to be badass enough for Voldie to kill himself or possibly kidnap. I was thinking it might also play into what happened with Harry in the beginning maybe?

This might be a COMPLETELY horrendous idea, but I figured I'd offer it up, considering that I'm on so many painkillers I can't tell what is and is not a good idea.

[Apr 17th, 11
10:33 am

I've just dropped a lot of games so I have more time for this.... I'm thinking of picking up a servant....


A Spy Among Us [Apr 13th, 11
2:38 am

Alex and I were thinking, now that Penny is staying with Andromeda and wanting to get back to the Malfoy's before she has Rookwood's child, that she would be willing to spy on the Outsiders.

1. Is everyone ok with this, since obviously it will compromise the Outsiders (but hopefully also stir up plot!)?

2. What information would you Outsiders be willing to 'let slip'? I don't want to give away anything that you don't want given away of course.

[Apr 12th, 11
5:44 pm


Just so we know what do you want to happen with Luc, Remus and Siri?

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