Age of Darkness OOC -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Age of Darkness RPG - Out of Character

When confronted by our worst nightmares, the choices are few. Fight, or flight.
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[18 Jun 2011|12:04am]

I have returned from Canada and am slowly working my way back into RP stuffs! I will warn y'all that we're having some fires in the area where I live and pretty much nightly storms which sometimes knock out the power, so I might not be SUPER active right away, but I definitely want to get back into posting and threading my characters, so hit me up if you want to do something!

♥ Lena
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[18 Jun 2011|08:49pm]
Ok, I can't take it any longer. The Order meeting is today, hurrah! Please post your threads of before or after the meeting - refer to the ooc post regarding what takes place.
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