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Age of Darkness RPG - Out of Character

When confronted by our worst nightmares, the choices are few. Fight, or flight.
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[19 Apr 2011|11:49am]
GUYS I had a totally cracked out idea, but I'm on vic right no and can't telll if it's a good or bad one!

1. We had Evan brought back to life right and Reg?

2. I really really miss playing Dorcas.

Can I bring Dorcas in? She was supposedly killed by Voldie during the first war, but what if he like, kept her captured somewhere and made her work for him, and she managed to esccaaaape, and maybe steal the seventh horcrux while she was at it?

I have two ways I normally play her:

1. Blind girl who was a seer and strategist for the Order and...

2. Ex-Slytherin traitor DE and fantastic strategist.

Because she had to be badass enough for Voldie to kill himself or possibly kidnap. I was thinking it might also play into what happened with Harry in the beginning maybe?

This might be a COMPLETELY horrendous idea, but I figured I'd offer it up, considering that I'm on so many painkillers I can't tell what is and is not a good idea.
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