Age of Darkness OOC -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Age of Darkness RPG - Out of Character

When confronted by our worst nightmares, the choices are few. Fight, or flight.
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[21 Mar 2011|06:21pm]

I had one of Cadha's hatchlings die, and I'd really like for her to have to go home and be immunized again over whatever disease caused ickle dragon's death and quarantined to ensure she doesn't get sick, and then come back next week.

Are you guys okay with this? PLEASE say yes. PLEASE.

Also, JESS whom I adore: Fleur's abck this week. If you're up for it I thought maybe we could have a Ron/Fleur/bebe thread?
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[21 Mar 2011|09:41pm]
HI GUYS so I made a useful diagram for how I think we should go about the Basilisk thread (on the assumption that participating will be Harry, Vera, Sirius, Remus, Lily, and James, Alice and Frank as NPCs, with Neville and Ginny as little helpers.

this may be the first thread in history to need a diagram, but maybe that will just make it more awesomer. its based on the idea we came up with previously whereby they leave pairs of people along the way to the castle to help with the retreat. first alice and frank, then james and lily, then sirius and remus, and harry and vera continue on, as Vera has all the knowledge they need to move around the castle safely, and Harry knows how to get into the Chamber and kill the big snakeyface. The idea is that they will meet Neville and Ginny who will help them get to the bathroom and guard it once they are in. Then they have to come out again and pick everyone up. This sounds confusing but that is what the PLAN is for!

click to see thread plan! )
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[21 Mar 2011|09:47pm]
Hey everyone,

Just wanted to let you know I'm still alive, I promise. RL has been a bit stressful and as a result, everyone's favorite librarian has up and disappeared. He does this every once in awhile and I'm trying to find him as quickly as possible. If he's needed for plots and whatnot I can place him where you need but he may not be terribly chatty :/ I will return soon! I promise!

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