Anything Goes - November 16th, 2011 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Anything Goes: The Anonymous Request Drabble Comm.

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November 16th, 2011

Drabble giveaway~! [Nov. 16th, 2011|03:15 am]
[Current Location |My room, no clever quip this time]
[mood | satisfied]
[music |Fake It by Seether]

Fandoms: [listed alphabetically]

* Brave Police J-Decker
* Coraline (movieverse or bookverse)
* Disney (any and all movies, some shows)
* Epic Mickey
* Knight Rider (original)
* MegaMan (classic, X, MMBN)
* My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
* Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney (not including the Apollo Justice arc)
* Pokemon
* Quantum Leap
* Sonic the Hedgehog
* The A-Team (TV or movieverse)
* Transformers (G1, TFA, TFP, Bay, Armada, SG, BW)

Three Things I Won't Write:

1. Het pairings for any fandom listed except Disney, Epic Mickey, Sonic, Pokemon, My Little Pony, and Coraline. This doesn't include genderswap-to-het, because I love doing genderswap.

2. The humans in the Pokemon fandom. Sorry.

3. Scat/piss, pedophilia, daddykink.

Other Notes:

I'm generally pretty lax. I like AUs. I like crossovers. I like genderswap, and pregnancy, aged-up fics and back-in-time fics and consensual and noncon and a million other different things, so you can just throw them at me like eggs at a bad comedian and I'll for the most part roll with it.
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