Anything Goes - December 18th, 2007 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Anything Goes: The Anonymous Request Drabble Comm.

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December 18th, 2007

For your drabble enjoyment [Dec. 18th, 2007|10:09 am]
[Current Location |Cubicle farm!]
[mood | bored]
[music |typety typety]

A list of your fandoms.
PotC, Sharpe, Master & Commander (the books as well as the movie), BtVS/AtS, LOTR/LOTRIPS, X-Files, Law & Order (CI and/or SVU), CSI:Vegas- and if it's not one of these, ask! If I'm at all familiar with it I might yet give it a try.

Three things that you will absolutely not write. This includes pairings, kinks, and characters.
- If it's bodily waste, I will not write it.
- I won't write rape.
- I'm not keen on ageplay.

Any other misc notes about if you're using the classic 100 word drabble form, or if you like prompts in the form of images or song lyrics, etc.

I won't hold myself strictly to a 100-word limit. For prompts, I need a little more than just a word. Give me a couple of words, or a word and a character, or something. More than that if you like. I'll take a sentence or phrase and run with it.

Bring it on, ladies and gents. It's a slow day at the office.
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