antibitches' Journal


18th June 2004

9:03pm: Survey Thingee ...
Name: E X I .. =O
Age: 17.5 ...
State or Country: Canada ..
Picture (optional): none, sorry .. =P
How would you describe yourself? weird, not really in touch with reality
How do others describe you? crazy. druggie.

What's the worst name you've ever been called? bitch
What's the worst name you've ever called another? fucktard
What's the meanest thing that has ever been done to you? How did you respond? I don't think anyone has done anything really that mean to me, except maybe call me names .. =P .. Reponse? Call them ruder names ... then ignore them when it gets boring ..
What's the meanest thing you've ever done to someone? What were the consequences? don't think I've really done anything that mean to someone except be really sarcastic to hurt them ... consquences? I get more hurt myself emotionally, heh
How do you deal with mean people? Be a totally sarcastic .. er .. bitch .. -_-;
What are some things/people you can't stand? What drives you crazy? Judgemental-ness, ignorance ... laziness ...


Movie: End of Evangelion
Game: dunno .. TETRIS!!
Book: ... hmm ... too many to list .. Harry Potter series, perhaps?
Band: don't really have one. Listen to too much music .. =P
Song: ATM? 1st Ending Song to Utena
School Subject: pretty much hate all subjects at school ..

What are your hobbies? Painting, drawing, writing stories, watching/collecting anime/manga, piano, collecting strange things ... I think I'm going to start collecting lightbulbs now ..

And it's time to do some stealing from the eljay_bitches community...

Pick one of these scenarios. What would you do?

Your suicidal friend calls you and tells you that she needs help because "her cat died" and doesn't want to live anymore. What do you do? Steal parents car and drive there while trying to convince person not to die .. =P .. I've almost done this before, heh ...

You find a cash-stuffed wallet with an ID in it, and you see the wallet's owner walking down the street. You... return it? I'd get pretty pissed if someone had mine and didn't return it and I was within returnable limits ..

If you come across a man asking for money for food, but you know he's going to buy beer, and a man who's asking money for beer, but he tells you the truth, who do you give the money to? The guy who's being honest.
Current Mood: complacent
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